Nächsten Moantag haben wir für euch zwei Vorträge am Institut organisiert. Kommt vorbei und bringt Freunde und Freundinnen mit! Beide Vorträge finden auf spanisch und deutsch statt. Wir freuen uns auf euch!
“State and Conflict in Colombia“
by Maribel Avellaneda Nieves
A contribution to the reflection on the phenomenon of violence in Colombia.
Is Colombian democracy a paradigm of civic-mindedness in Latin America?
Looking back on certain periods of Colombian history allows us to understand the particularities of the phenomenon of violence and to reflect upon various actors within it as well as manifestations, explanations, scenarios and temporalities of violence in general and in Colombia in particular.
Mo, 02.02., 12 Uhr, FMI Hs B
“Different Visions of the Construction of the Venezuelan Nation“- Free, Autonomous, Independent or Sovereign
by Francisco Mangano-Molero
From its beginning until now, the formation process of the Venezuelan nation, especially with respect to the geopolitical changes of government in Southern America, has generated diverse levels of identity and political organisation.
The lecture gives an overview of the political conflict experienced in Venezuelan society within the last years and links it to a speech given by Chavez. As Chavez’s speech has been understood as a condemnation of hegemonic power, an analysis of his argument helps to shed light on the above mentioned conflict.
Mo, 02.02., 14 Uhr, FMI Hs B